Tessa Hall's personal webpage
My name is Tessa Hall (she/her). I am a nerd with a preference for ethical forms of computing with a Bachelor in Science in Computer Science from Trinity University in San Antonio, TX, USA. Currently a graduate student in Computer Science at DePaul University. I can enjoy programming recreationally, creating digital/photographic art, reading, and sometimes playing video games (but nothing too fast-paced). Ethical Open Source advocate. Currently working on research related to KeYmaera X: An aXiomatic Tactical Theorem Prover for Hybrid Systems and pursuing a masters in Computer Science.
Recent Work
- Hall, T., & Mitsch, S. (2024). Counterexamples in CPS Theorem Proving. Greater Chicago Area Systems Research Workshop (GCASR), University of Illinois Chicago.
Here are some personal links and contact info:
- My git (what I primarily use)
- My GitHub (I generally avoid GitHub these days. I don't like anything trying to be "social")
- My cell phone: Three4Six2For70ne6NineFour
- My email: tkhall(at)riseup(dot)net
- My ssh public key Give me access to your servers! (Supervillian laughter)
Other things on my site:
Here is a picture of my two kittens, Bit and Trit when I first got them: